Nanjoo Lee

South-Korean artist, 
Currently based in Glasgow 


Nanjoo Lee (b.1994) explores the ethical approach to encountering other beings, particularly through linguistic concepts like ‘translation,’ working across painting, moving images, installation, and text. She examines the intersection of translation and care, emphasizing how translation entails embracing potential conflicts, understanding, and inevitable misunderstandings in interactions. Living and working in Glasgow, her recent exhibitions include the group show Night Shift (New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, 2024); the MFA Degree Show (Florence St, Glasgow, 2023); the Biscuit Tint Festival (Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh, 2022); and The Waves From Different Altitudes (Gallerie Gatchie, Berlin, 2022).

이난주(b.1994)는 타인과 타생명체를 대하는 윤리적 방식에 대한 관심을 ‘번역’ 등 언어적 개념을 경유하여 페인팅, 영상, 설치, 텍스트 등 여러 예술 매체를 통해 풀어낸다. 대상들과의 상호작용 중에 발생하는 갈등과 이해, 불가피한 오해의 가능성을 포용하는 행위를 번역에 병치시키면서 번역과 돌봄이 교차되는 지점을 연구한다. 현재 영국 글라스고를 중심으로 활동하고 있으며, Night Shift (New Glasgow Society, 글라스고, 2024), MFA Degree Show (Florence St, 글라스고, 2023), The Biscuit Tint Festival (Embassy Gallery, 에든버러, 2022), The Waves From Different Altitudes (Gallerie Gatchie, Berlin, 2022) 등의 전시에 참여하였다.


2023 MFA Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art, United Kingdom
2017  BA Photography, Chung-Ang University, South Korea


Round Song, South Block Gallery, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Night Shift, New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, United Kingdom

GSA MFA Graduate show, 5 Florence Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Biscuit Tint 2022 : Artists’ Moving Image Festival, Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Her Voice Before the Blue Spot, Galerie Gatchi, Berlin, Germany
The Waves From Different Altitudes, Saltspace, Glasgow, United Kingdom

GSA MFA Interim show, 5 Florence Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Rinse Project, Online 2021
The World Behind the Glass, Vanguard Artist Society, Seoul, South Korea

Bodies in Routine : 2019 Project Space Festival, Sereso Guerrero, Juárez, Mexico

RFAN : A Research on Feminist Art Now, Art Space One, Seoul, South Korea

Future Artist Show : PASA Festival, Space Bom, Suwon, South Korea
VISION 2016, Topohaus Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Intern Show, Space One, Seoul, South Korea


2024  Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards, Glasgow, United Kingdom
2023  Scottish Portrait Awards, longlisted